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Save a Life

We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.
"Mother Teresa"

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Feature Cause

Feed the Poor

To Help Them Survive

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. "President Barack Obama"

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Feature Cause

Save Humanity

To Help Them Survive

The next time you want to withhold your help, or your love, or your support for another for whatever the reason, ask yourself a simple question: do the reasons you want to withhold it reflect more on them or on you? And which reasons do you want defining you forevermore? Donate Now
"Dan Pearce"

Feature Cause

Donate & Help

To Give Them a Life

Not until the creation and maintenance of decent conditions of life for all people are recognized and accepted as a common obligation of all people and all countries—not until then shall we, with a certain degree of justification, be able to speak of humankind as civilized.
"Albert Einstein"

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Bachpan ko nigal raha ye dhuwan.

Sunaina was just a normal 13-year-old girl living in a Lucknow slum. She was an avid student and loved going to school every day. However, her life changed drastically after the death of her father 2-3 years ago. Her father's death left her mother to work on daily wages to feed themselves, which drastically changed their lives. Sunaina was forced to drop out of school to help her mother and support their family. They were barely making ends meet, and every penny counted. Sunaina's life took a turn for the worse when she started consuming gutkha, a cheap and highly addictive substance that is very common in slums like hers. Gutkha is a combination of betel nut, tobacco, and other ingredients, which are rolled into a small packet and consumed orally. The substance is highly addictive and can cause severe health problems, including cancer. One day, a team member from Dr. Abdul Kalam Education Society, an organization that helped Sunaina and her family, noticed that Sunaina was eating gutkha. The team member was shocked and immediately stopped her from consuming it. They explained to her that this addiction was dangerous and that the money her mother used to give her should be used to help their family. However, the addiction was so severe that Sunaina could not stop consuming it. She would use the money that was meant for food and other necessities to buy gutkha.

The team member from the organization tried to find out where Sunaina had picked up this addiction. It was then revealed that her mother used to leave her with some people to take care of her while she went to work. The elders in that household would consume drugs, and their children would consume gutkha after watching them. Sunaina had picked up the habit from them. The situation troubled every team member from the organization. They donated some money and took Sunaina to the doctor, where she received counseling and medication to help her quit the addiction. The medicine and counseling worked, and Sunaina was finally able to overcome her addiction. Sunaina's story is not unique. Many children in slums across India fall prey to addiction due to their living conditions. Poverty, lack of education, and exposure to negative influences make them vulnerable to addiction and other harmful habits. To address this issue, the organization started a project named "Bachpan ko bachao dhuwe me na udao," which means "Save childhood, don't blow it away in smoke." The project aims to make such children drug-free and provide them with a healthy life. The project will help prevent them from blowing away their childhood in smoke and ensure that they have a bright future. Sunaina's story is just one of many. There are countless other children like her who are struggling to survive in poverty-stricken areas. They are exposed to the dangers of addiction, abuse, and neglect on a daily basis, and they need our help. That is why the "Bachpan ko bachao dhuwe me na udao" project is so important. This initiative aims to make children like Sunaina drug-free and to give them a chance at a better life. By providing them with counseling, medication, and support, we can help these children break free from the cycle of addiction and poverty that has held them back for so long. But we can't do it alone. We need your help to make this dream a reality. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a difference in the life of a child. Your generosity can help us to provide these children with the support they need to overcome the challenges they face and to build a brighter future for themselves and their families . Imagine for a moment that you are Sunaina. Imagine the fear and uncertainty that you would feel if you were in her shoes. Imagine the relief and gratitude that you would feel if someone stepped in to help you break free from addiction and poverty. Your donation can make that difference. It can give a child like Sunaina the chance to experience a childhood that is free from harm and full of hope. It can be the light that shines in someone's house, providing them with the warmth and comfort that they need to face each day with courage and determination. So please, open your heart and donate today. Your generosity can help us to make a positive change in the lives of children who desperately need our help. Together, we can make a difference and give these children the chance to live a life that is full of promise and hope.

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Everyone needs their loved ones at hard times. So, why can't we be someone's loved one.We don't have to do something big to help anyone. "A drop of pure water is more precious than an ocean of salty water." "A little hope is better than the darkness in life" You can help in lighting the light of hope in someone's dark life by contributing through our organisation. The APJ ABDUL KALAM EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY is not just an organisation but an large family and we together with our fellow members are trying to help those people who need a family and loving one's. The APJ ABDUL KALAM EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY works in the fields of Education, health, environment etc to help the others in need. This is not government funded but a self-help organization which works on their own resources. The goals and mottos of the organization can be understood with the works. Our intentions are reflected from our works. You can have a little look in the organization by looking at out works listed below.


Every human being has a life, but all human don't seem to be living.They are just passing it or waiting for it to end. This is because life seems to be harder to them than the death.

"Helping Others identifies humans to be beings"
And with team work this work seems to be a devotion. Our team is very enthusiastic and eager to help others. Our team is filled with elders experience and also with young's energy. They work together as helping hand of each other. They are filled with full of patrotism and willingg to give best of themselves .Every member knew each other's strength and weakness.

"Team is made by team spirit and collective goal not by members"

Our mutual goal directs the work of every individual of the team for the well being of other people. "It is well said that it is easy to break a stick but not it's bundle" Our team spirit boost the energy in every member.


"My home is not less than a heaven".

The phrase easily tells us about the attachment of one to this home. Every human needs a home and it is an achievement to have one's own home.Some people even invest their life time earning for a home. "A building is made with brick,cement but a home is made with love and sacrifice." But some people can't even dream of a shelter.They are compelled to live on roads, sheets like animals. A home gives us a sense of privacy ,feeling of freedom and most importantly protection. But, some people are denied of their basic rights. Their privacy is on the roads and freedom is kicked from street to street. The protection for them is just the few feets between them and road or a railway track.

"Story of Nadia"

Nadia is just an 18 year teen girl. She lost her house in the turkey earthquake disaster. She is on the road from her loved house in just seconds. But,she not just lost a Square building but also lost her peaceful nights which are now replaced by freezing wind. She has also lost her privacy as there are no four walls to cover her up. She has also lost her freedom and now has to live inside a small refugee Camp and has to depend on other permission and help. She can't even have a Safe bath as She is always afraid of someone's arrival. She has to even share her bed with an unknown woman. She doesn't feel safe at any time. She can be forced to leave this place. She was Just helpless to spend her night on the streets.


A good output can't be expected without a good plan and a systematic plan can enhance the output of the work to it fullest. Our Organization works in a systematic manner, as well as a very disciplined manner. Every person is assigned Work according to their abilities and Capabilities. Our system divides the team into sub groups with their designated functions like organizing people, raising funds etc. The people are assigned mentors according to their work with focus on obtaining best output. Every group is eager to help others as much as possible. This reduces the opportunities of any mistakes and helps in obtaining the desired output. "Just like the country's governance, our organization works with a system. Each part of the team completes their role and supports others to complete their role."


"It is said that you can't be dressed until you are not smiling". Humans are connected by emotions and there is an effect of one's emotion on other's emotions and their lives also. "A smile is a curve that straightens our life" Being happy in any situation makes us feel light.Smiles can also help in increasing life span. Our Organization is working to bring a smile to everyone's life. It makes a needy smile by helping them and can make you smile with the satisfaction of making one smile. "A smile is a jewelry that can be bought even from a small gift or can't bought even with lifelong earning."


The prime focus of our organization is to work on health and de-addictions.It is worthy to say that "health is wealth" as an unhealthy person can even lead a simple life. The life of an unhealthy person is full of precautions instead of joy. "Addiction is not good than a slow poison". It will Simply lead you towards a slow death. It will either kill you economically, morally, socially or financially. Our Organization helps people to know the ill effects of their addictions and also help them to get rid of their addictions. Our team provides them with the routine, exercises, habits and gives them tips which could help them or ease their way. We also tell them about healthy activities as an alternative to their addictions.

"We also tell them about healthy activities as an alternative to their addictions."

No one has ever become poor by giving, Please Donate
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  • Imprecive Team to Make Someone Life Better.

  • Our Focus to Make People Heatly and De-addicted.

  • Made Selter Home for Beggars and others.

  • Make Smile On Face of Every one.

  • A systematic plan to do this work.

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